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Wheel Decide is a free online spinner tool that allows you to create your own digital wheels for decision making, prize giveaways, raffles, games, and more. Browse through our wheels and spin to randomize your life and make the decisions that have no wrong answers.



  • Sometimes a simple coin flip is all you need to make a decision, but a coin only has two sides. With Wheel Decide, you can flip a coin with 100 sides. You try and perceive that!
  • Settle disputes between friends, coworkers, and family members on decisions like where to go to lunch, what movie to watch, or what to do.
  • Even for those of you who don’t take kindly to advice from “them wheel types,” you’ll often notice your true desires become apparent as the wheel is spinning.

Let the wheel decide. Save your energy for the big decisions



  • The wheel is a versatile tool that can be forged into fun group games like Catch Phrase, Truth or Dare, Celebrity, or Cards Against Humanity.
  • Replace lost board game tools like spinners, dice, and playing cards. You can also use it to build teams and decide who goes first.
  • If you’re organizing a special event like trivia, improv comedy, or a debate, spin a wheel of categories to involve the audience more and break the monotony of a linear experience.


  • Pick a random student in class to answer a question or participate in a classroom activity. That’s right—you in the back, Jimmy!
  • Spin a wheel of questions, topics, or vocabulary terms. This is a great substitute for studying with flashcards, and since the topics shuffle, everyone stays on their toes.
  • Use the wheel to randomly assign groups or teams. You can also randomly assign jobs to teams or individuals. Unlike you or your peers, Wheel Decide has no biases.

I have been immersed in the evolution of technology as a teacher ever since the Internet went public. I have a strong belief that we need to teach students how to use technology effectively as a tool to enhance learning and their future. BobbieGrennier.com

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