Computer Based Learning

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What is this Computer-Based Learning for Educators anyhow?

For me, it all started with my deep love for Project-Based Learning. It seemed every lesson plan I was excited about involved two elements – Project-Based Learning and Technology.

To me, Computer-Based Learning is more than just the implementation of computers into a teacher’s lesson plan. I think it’s a lot more like AppSmashing meets the Core Curriculum in a powerful explosion of educational results.

As I develop this website, I’ll be sharing lots of great ideas and concepts about Computer-Based Learning.

Remote Distance Educational 
Resources for Educators

Check out my Blog for more information on educational topics.

My teaching philosophy.

My classroom management.

My thoughts on educational instruction.

My National Geographic for Educators Wakelet collection.

My Virtual – Augmented Reality Wakelet collection.

My Google Earth Wakelet collection.

My Google for Educators Wakelet collection.

My Gamification Wakelet collection.

Remote Learning Resources for Teachers
and Online How-To Courses for Educators

